Thursday, September 15, 2011

What am I doing???

Well, it's official...I am officially blogging! What am I doing?? I figured I might as well since I have a little bit more time on my hands and with a baby on the way, it's a good way for me to post pictures for people who want to see. Sorry if you don't want to see pics or hear news of the little man, just scroll past it=)

A little summary of what is going on right now is this. I am working at Costco pharmacy...part time...which I love! It's been nice to work, but not feel like my life is ONLY work and nothing else. It has also been perfect timing with a baby on the way. Even though the first few months of the pregnancy were rough, it's nice that since I am feeling better now that I can actually enjoy it and not have work hanging over my head. Does that make sense? Anyways, I am so grateful for a supportive husband to give me the opportunity to do so! Speaking of the amazing man, James is working at Micron (IM flash technologies) as a carpenter helping install the clean room tools and build the clean rooms. He just became the supervisor a couple weeks ago, so he's been a little more stressed. stressed as James can get. He's so laid back so his stress level is way different than most people! And to add to his so called stress, he decided that he wants to design and build Tucker's crib, changing table and toy box! He is crazy, but I love him for it. How amazing for him to tell his children he built everything in their bedroom! James takes pride in his work so I know it will turn out amazing, but he does have a deadline! So, he started last week and he has about 2 months left cuz I want it done a month before the due date. So, the pressure is on!

The most exciting thing going on in our lives is the preparation for Tucker. Oh yeah, that's his name by the way if you haven't caught on. It's Tucker James Stevens. Cute huh? We liked it. And if he ends up not liking it one day, he could always go by TJ. I will post pics of the room as it gets closer to being finished. Here is a pic of the babies room thus far. I painted the brown strips on the wall by using the same color but different sheens. So one is flat and the other is semi-gloss. Then James built the beautiful framed waiscotting and put the crown up. I was thouroughly impressed! It's coming together=)

Tucker is growing very big each day, therefore I am growing big each day! Here is the latest pic that I have of my pregnant belly. Right now I am at 26 weeks 3 days. This pic was taken Sunday so I was 26 weeks.
Well, now that you have been updated and seen my fat, pregnant body, I must TRY to go to bed. All of you women out there who have been pregnant know what I am talking about! The tossing, the turning and getting hot, the stuffing pillows everywhere to get it all coming back to you?? Yeah, it's a "fun" stage of the pregnancy I am finding out. Any tips or suggestions are welcome. Until next time...sweet dreams=)


  1. Yah! Welcome Welcome! Im a veteran blogger - ever since 2007 :) LOVE that we will be able to keep in touch yet ANOTHER way ;-) LOVE YOU

  2. HOORAY! I love the blog and I'm so excited! The nursery is looking so great! I can't wait to see more. You look awesome by the way, I love the belly. I can't wait to come home and see it for myself!
