Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Phone Photos

We finally got some of the pictures from my phone downloaded to the computer. Here are some of them. They aren't in any particular order. You can tell though how much he has grown by looking at the pics! I love it!

This picutre is Tucker smiling for pretty much the first time on purpose. AND...it just so happened to be on James' birthday last Thursday! I immediately texted James the pic as a b-day surprise! SO CUTE! He still hasn't gotten the complete hang of it, but he is getting there! BRING ON THE GIGGLES! I can't wait=)
Mack LOVES Tucker and likes to cuddle with him...supervised obviously.
Tucker testing out the Bumbo

Now this picture look at Tuckers hand. haha. It looks like he is flipping James off so we had to get a pic. It's funny cuz James had just gotten home from the Jazz game and we were joking that Tucker was going to be mad cuz he was leaving him for the night. Well, Tucker must have really been mad=)
Here is a pic with his binky...that was short lived. He really won't take one anymore, he is finding his thumb which I really didn't want before, now I don't mind the idea. At least I won't have to go in and put a binky back in his mouth when it pops out. At least he will have 24/7 access to his thumb...which is good and bad.
This is Tucker's first day of church. We just went to sacrament and he stayed in his carseat covered the entire time, but still, his first day of church=) I love his little tie onesie! Perfect for a baby going to church!
Another pic of Mack cuddling with Tucker.
Poor baby scratched his cheek under his eye...so, mittens were a must!

1 comment:

  1. Brit, he is so dang cute! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow! Glad to see how well he is doing! love you guys!
