Monday, December 26, 2011

First Christmas down

So these are a little out of order since I don't have this blogging thing down quite yet. Here is our family Christmas pic. As you can see, James once again looks SOO enthused to be getting his picture taken! haha

Every Christmas Eve the Stevens get together and act out the nativity. This year the family had a baby boy to play baby Jesus...Tucker! Tucker did a great job and did everything he was told to do...just lay there and be quiet!

Elliott was Joseph and Grace was Mary

Our first real venture out with Tucker was to the Santa Party with the Stevens. Here are some pics from that. Tucker didn't freak out this year when it was his turn since he was too young really, we will see what happens next year though=)

Grandma Mardeen with Tucker

I think that my Grandpa is getting the hang of holding a baby. I am so grateful he has the opportunity to meet Tucker and hold him!
Tucker was all "tuckered" out by the end of the day. (Sorry...I couldn't resist not using that phrase!) It really didn't FEEL like Christmas to be honest since it was sunny and has been super chaotic the past couple weeks. We saw numerous people riding around on motorcycles! Really? It's Christmas! That's crazy! Next year will hopefully feel more like Christmas with Tucker being older and hopefully snow on the ground. I was just glad to be with family=) I hope everyone else had a great Christmas like we did=)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had a great Christmas! Tucker looks adorable! I love his little outfit. Can't wait to come and see you two!
