Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tucker turned 2!

Tucker is officially 2…about 2 months ago.  Oops.  I am a little behind.  

So we ended up just celebrating with my side of the family and had James' parents come also.  The Stevens clan is just TOO big.  We ended up just celebrating it the next Sunday dinner.

We of course had to go with a construction themed party.  It was only fitting for cute Tucker.  He know ALL the names of his tools and carries them around trying to fix things.  So cute, but NOT cute when he chips your paint from hammering too hard.

I took a cake decorating class a few years ago and was planning on using that skill to make all my kids bday cakes.  Tuckers first birthday last year it didn't happen.  Rewind and you will remember I wasn't feeling my best since I had just found out I was pregnant with Weston.  Oh how time flies.
So I was determined to make the cake this year.  I got ideas off of Pinterest, bought some cute stuff and went with it.  I thought it turned out great and he remembers it to this day.  That's all that counts.

The kids were fascinated by the cake and kept wanting to eat it.  

One of many pics just chillin'. He is seriously the happiest, cutest baby!

Tuck got many gifts (which we DON'T need, but appreciate).  We got him a Little People car ramp toy.

Grandma Sailor spoils him with clothes, this ADORABLE pillow case and 3 CAT trucks with he is STILL obsessed with!

Gram and Gramps Stevens gave him this tool puzzle and balls.  They know what Tucker likes!

 Aunt Jody and Uncle Brad gave him a Spiderman house which he loves!

Those are the only pics of the gifts but he also got a Little People Airplane from Aunt Debbie, a Batman helicopter from Aunt Sara, a Mega Blocks Wagon from Aunt Heidi, a little castle from Aunt Annie, and a puzzle from Aunt Jess.  Yeah…just a little spoiled!  Between this and Christmas I had to box up almost all of his old toys just to make room for these ones! 

Funny how we sang to Tuck, he blew out the candles and all he wanted were the trucks on it.  Later that night we realized he didn't even eat any of it! Haha…oops.  Oh well, he didn't mind.

Everyone was a little exhausted from all the fun…especially Weston.  

I can't believe Tuck is already 2!  He has grown up so fast!  It seems like once Wes was born time just sped up!  He grew up so quickly once Wes was born.  He is talking so much now, I love it!  Well…most of the time!  I love when he says "I wuv you" and when I ask him where something is at he says "Dunno"  and then goes and looks for it and says "truck (or whatever it is), where are you?".  I love how he talks to Wes and genuinely loves him and tells him that and hugs and kisses him and asks to hold him on his lap.  I love how he loves to cuddle now with me.  He loves getting his tummy tickled.  And he loves playing with my hair and tickling my head when he is trying to fall asleep.  He is very athletic and can throw a football straight and kick a soccer ball straight almost every time.  There are so many more things I love about this kid, but not enough time.  I need to remind myself of these things when I am just about ready to cry I am so frustrated with him.  
I don't know what I would do with my Tucker.  I am excited for what the next year will bring!

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